

Jun 15, 2023

Energy suppliers raise concerns over Great British Insulation Scheme targets

The Great British Insulation Scheme, aimed at boosting energy efficiency, has garnered attention as energy suppliers voice concerns about Ofgem‘s approach.

The central focus of these concerns revolves around the annual targets set by the scheme.

Suppliers, obligated to meet these yearly delivery targets, have expressed doubts about the feasibility and impact on their operations.

While the targets aim to drive energy efficiency improvements, suppliers are questioning their attainability.

In response, Ofgem outlined its monitoring strategy, which involves reviewing measure notifications and provisionally approved measures.

While Ofgem sees this as a way to intervene promptly if suppliers fall off track, suppliers are uncertain about the effectiveness of this mechanism and seek clarity on the metrics for progress measurement.

Additionally, suppliers stress the need for clear guidance.

Uncertainty around the timing of final guidance publication has led to hesitations among suppliers.

Some even plan to delay their delivery efforts until official guidance is available.